Tuesday, August 10, 2010

How do you keep a relationship if your going to different schools next year?

Ok, so i really love this guy, like no joke! We've been going out for three months. He's sweet, charming, really really cute!, polite, and cares about me. I really what our relationship to last for a while. HELP!How do you keep a relationship if your going to different schools next year?
Lol it's not gonna last.How do you keep a relationship if your going to different schools next year?
You dont.

Three months and you guys feel really close because thats what your bodies want you to think. Get over it and go to college. There are plenty of guys out there.
If you both want it to last, it will.

If you really care about each other it will work! I know from first hand experience, it may not be easy at times and there will be points where your relationship will be tested so just be ready for that but if you care about each other a lot it will really be fine! Just talk to each other often and be open with one another and thats the best advice I can give you!
If the relationship is going to last then it will just because you are going to be going to separate schools does not mean it is over. He knows where you live and I am sure he has you number, How do you thing relationships stick together we don't all have to work at the same factory as our partners to make our relationship work imagine how boring that would be we work together and live together we are always together after a while what would you have to talk about Having different interests and different friends makes us what we are and as they say absence makes the heart grow stronger but if it does not and it does end then it was not meant to be and you have to accept that
text and call all the time and hangout alot

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